Philosophy in Children's Books 20: Momo on Time

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A riddle from "Momo" by Michael Ende:

All dwelling in one house are strange brothers three,
as unlike as any three brothers could be,
yet try as you may to tell brother from brother,
you'11 find that the trio resemble each other.
The first isn't there, though he'11 come beyond doubt.
The second's departed, so he's not about.
The third and the smallest is right on the spot,
and manage without him the others could not.
Yet the third is a factor with which to be reckoned
because the first brother turns into the second.
You cannot stand back and observe number three,
for one of the others is all you will see.
So tell me, my child, are the three, of them one?
Or are there but two? Or could there be none?
Just name them, and you will at once realize
that each rules a kingdom, of infinite size.
They rule it together and are it as well.
In that, they're alike, so where do they dwell?

Tom Bronaugh on 3 February 2016

Time, past present future?

Time, past present future?

Blrp on 4 February 2016

They are future, past,

They are future, past, present.

ERIC MOHL on 23 November 2022

Momo, how does an Oracle begin?

This is a favorite riddle to me, in Michael Ende's book 'Momo'. What no-one seems to notice is the whole story, is an eternal origin story, of the beginnings of an Oracle. 

Think carefully about how Momo answers the question of how old she is: As far as I can remember, I've always been. 

Beppo der Strassenkehrer: when he tells Momo about seeing her and himself in another time.

When the words grow in her, so that she can sing.

In reply to by ERIC MOHL

Peter Adamson on 23 November 2022


Believe it or not, when I was a teenager I was the pianist at a children's theater camp; one of the other counselors wrote a stage script based on that book, Momo, and I composed music to play along with the performance. So that is a story I know well, or did once upon a time! Sadly my piano playing skills have in the meantime atrophied to a state of non-existence.

In reply to by Peter Adamson

ERIC MOHL on 26 November 2022

Interesting summer camp,

An interesting and pleasant memory to be sure. This book was the first book I was able to read completely in German, it took several tries. I got the impression that most who read it only see one layer deep, there is a lot more depth in his ideas, and I don't see any indoctrination here.

In reply to by ERIC MOHL

Emily on 26 November 2022


I will read it again with fresh eyes and an open mind ...

In reply to by Emily

ERIC MOHL on 30 November 2022

Wonderful, let me know what you see.

Real magic is very often subtle, and overlooked.

Emily on 24 November 2022

Trinity Training

Sounds like a way to prime young minds for indoctrination into a belief in the Holy Trinity. Many children’s stories of old were very creative, albeit thinly veiled, attempts at controlling behavior and ensuring compliance… #FreeYourMind!

In reply to by Emily

Peter Adamson on 24 November 2022

Everything comes to an Ende?

I don't know that much about Ende to be honest, so out of curiosity I checked his Wikipedia page to see if he was a religious author at all (like CS Lewis who you might be thinking of); it seems not. In fact he was in a humanist civil rights organization in Germany. His main influences were apparently artistic movements like surrealism and Dadaism.

And now that I come to think of it past, present and future would not be a great image for the Trinity since they cannot exist together!

In reply to by Peter Adamson

Emily on 25 November 2022

Endeless Love?

I guess their co-existence depends upon your view of reality and theoretical physics - two areas upon which I hold a barely tenuous grasp. Thank you for the info on Ende. Loves me some Lewis and see the two are not parallels - no one could accuse C.S. Lewis of religious subtlety. But interestingly, some find Ende’s work informed by Christian symbolism. And Ende himself fesses up to being Christian-ish. I looked it up and found a (poorly?) translated German interview from 1983 ……




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