377. One Way or Another: Northern Scholasticism

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Trends in Aristotelian philosophy in northern and eastern Europe in the fifteenth century, featuring discussion of the “Wegestreit” and the nominalist theology of Gabriel Biel.



Further Reading

P.F. Grendler, “The Universities of the Renaissance and Reformation,” Renaissance Quarterly 57 (2004), 1-42.

• M.J.F.M. Hoenen, “Via Antiqua and Via Moderna in the Fifteenth Century: Doctrinal, Institutional, and Church Political Factors in the Wegestreit,” in R.L. Friedman and L.O. Nielsen (eds), The Medieval Heritage in Early Modern Metaphysics and Modal Theory, 1400–1700 (Dordrecht: 2003), 9–36.

• M.J.F.M. Hoenen, “Philosophie und Theologie im 15. Jahrhundert: die Universität Freiburg und der Wegestreit,” in D. Mertens and H. Smolinski (eds), Von der hohen Schule zur Universität der Neuzeit (Freiburg: 2007), 67-91.   

P. Kärkkäinen, “Theology, Philosophy, and Immortality of the Soul in the Late Via Moderna of Erfurt,” Vivarium 43 (2005), 337-60.

• P. Kärkkäinen, “Synderesis in Late Medieval Philosophy and the Wittenberg Reformers,” British Journal for the History of Philosophy 20 (2012), 881-901.

• H.A. Oberman, The Harvest of Medieval Theology: Gabriel Biel and Late Medieval Nominalism (Cambridge MA: 1963).

• J.H. Overfield, “Scholastic Opposition to Humanism in Pre-Reformation Germany,” Viator 7 (1976), 391-420.

• J.H. Overfield, Humanism and Scholasticism in Late Medieval Germany (Princeton: 1984).

• E. Rummel, The Humanist-Scholastic Debate in the Renaissance and Reformation (Cambridge, MA: 1995).

• A. Zimmermann (ed.), Antiqui und Moderni: Traditionsbewusstsein und Fortschrittbewusstsein im späten Mittelalter (Berlin: 1974).


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