397. Do As the Romans Did: French Humanism

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We begin to look at philosophy in Renaissance France, beginning with humanists like Budé and the use of classical philosophy by poets du Bellay and Ronsard.



Further Reading

• R. Helgerson (trans.), Joachim du Bellay: The Regrets, with The Antiquities of Rome, Three Latin Elegies, and The Defense and Enrichment of the French Language (Philadelphia: 2006).

• N.R. Shapiro, Lyrics of the French Renaissance: Marot, Du Bellay, Ronsard (New Haven: 2002).


• H. Busson, Le Rationalisme dans la Littérature Française de la Renaissance (Paris: 1971).

I. De Smet, “Humanist Culture in Renaissance France,” in M. Moriarty and J. Jennings (eds), The Cambridge History of French Thought (Cambridge: 2020), 33-40.

A. Lefrance, Grands écrivains français de la renaissance (Paris: 1914).

F. Gray, Gender, Rhetoric, and Print Culture in French Renaissance Writing (Cambridge: 2000).

• W.L. Gundersheimer (ed.), French Humanism 1470-1600 (London: 1969).

• T. Hampton, Literature and Nation in the Sixteenth Century: Inventing the French Renaissance (Ithaca: 2001).

• D.O. McNeil, Guillaume Budé and Humanism in the Reign of Francis I (Geneva: 1975).

• D. Kelley, Foundations of Modern Historical Scholarship: Language, Law and History in the French Renaissance (New York: 1970).

• A.H.T. Levi (ed.), Humanism in France at the End of the Middle Ages and in the Early Renaissance (Manchester: 1970).

• J.-C. Margolin, “Humanism in France,” in A. Goodman and A. MacKay (eds), The Impact of Humanism on Western Europe (London: 2014), 164-201.

• J.H.M. Salmon, Renaissance and Revolt: Essays in the Intellectual and Social History of Early Modern France (Cambridge: 1987).

• P. Sharratt, French Renaissance Studies, 1540-70: Humanism and the Encyclopedia (Edinburgh: 1976).


Matěj Cepl on 18 July 2022

Sound theme for French Renaissance?

There is still not a link on https://historyofphilosophy.net/links as far as my feeble vision testifies. It is even more intriguing that the Czech translation of the song is extremely famous https://youtu.be/jMTYMnMfD3w and you have firmly planted a Ohrwurm into my head.

Thank you for great new episodes.

In reply to by Matěj Cepl

Peter Adamson on 19 July 2022

New music

This is actually a recording by philosopher Helen de Cruz, playing Tourdion by Attaignant on her lute! You're right, I should add that to the links. She did it especially for the podcast, I think I mention this in the first French Renaissance episode.

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