241. The Shadow Knows: Albert the Great's Metaphysics
Albert the Great’s theory of being and his attempt to explain what changes in the human mind when we come to see God in the afterlife.
• T. Bonin, Creation as Emanation: The Origin of Diversity in Albert the Great’s On the Causes and the Procession of the Universe (Notre Dame: 2001).
• J. Hergan, St. Albert the Great’s Theory of the Beatific Vision (New York: 2002)
• K. Krause, “Albert and Aquinas on the Ultimate End of Humans: Philosophy, Theology, and Beatitude,” Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 86 (2012), 213-29.
• I.M Resnick (ed.), A Companion to Albert the Great (Leiden: 2013).
• L. Sweeney, “The Meaning of Esse in Albert the Great’s Texts on Creation in the Summa de Creaturis and Scripta Super Sententias,” in F. Kovach and R. Shahan (eds), Albert the Great: Commemorative Essays (Norman: 1980), 65-95.
Thanks to Katja Krause for her advice on this episode!
I just wanted to congratulate
I just wanted to congratulate you on coming up with your worst pun yet. "As unimpeachable as a man with a deadly fruit allergy" is beautifully, shatteringly bad - quite possibly the worst pun I have heard in my life - and I want to wish you the best of luck for your future endeavours in this regard! I am very excited to see what you will come up with, but I should perhaps also mention that even without record-winning groan-inducers, like the above one, listening to your podcast will keep me quite pleasantly entertained until you find a way to top yourself again!
Best of Luck!^_^
In reply to I just wanted to congratulate by Daniel
Peachy keen
Thanks! I think. To be honest I thought about that one and almost didn't use it - it struck me as funny when I first wrote it but even I realized it was a bit of a reach. I'll have to consult my (rather feeble) inner editor when I decide whether to keep it for the book version.
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