385. I Too Can Ask Questions: Protestant Scholasticism

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In a surprise twist, some Protestant thinkers embrace the methods of scholasticism, and even find something to admire in the work of Catholic authors like Aquinas.



Further Reading

P. Matheson (trans.), Argula von Grumbach: A Woman’s Voice in the Reformation (Edinburgh: 1995).

• J.C. McLelland (trans.), Peter Martyr Vermigli: Philosophical Works (Kirksville: 1996).


• C.J. Burchill, “Girolamo Zanchi: Portrait of a Reformed Theologian and His Work,” Sixteenth Century Journal 15 (1984), 185-207.

• J.P. Donnelly, “Italian Influences on the Development of Calvinist Scholasticism,” Sixteenth Century Journal 7 (1976), 81-101.

J.P. Donnelly, “Calvinist Thomism,” Viator 7 (1976), 441-55.

• J.S. Freedman, “Aristotle and the Content of Philosophy Instruction at Central European Schools and Universities during the Reformation Era (1500–1650),” Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society 137 (1993), 213–53.

J.S. Freedman, “The Career and Writings of Bartholomew Keckermann (d. 1609),” Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society 141 (1997), 305-64.

• T. Kirby, E. Campi, and F.A. James (eds), A Companion to Peter Martyr Vermigli (Leiden: 2009).

• J. Mallinson, Faith, Reason, and Revelation in Theodore Beza (1519–1605) (Oxford: 2003).

• Manfred Svensson, The Aristotelian Tradition in Early Modern Protestantism. Sixteenth- and Seventeenth-Century Commentaries on the Ethics and the Politics (Oxford: 2024).

• D.S. Systma, “Sixteenth-Century Reformed Reception of Aquinas,” in M. Levering and M. Plested (eds), The Oxford Handbook of the Reception of Aquinas (Oxford: 2021), 121-43.

• C.R. Trueman and R.S. Clark (eds.), Protestant Scholasticism: Essays in Reassessment (Carlisle: 1999).

• W.J. van Asselt and E. Dekker (eds), Reformation and Scholasticism: an Ecumenical Enterprise (Grand Rapids: 2001).

J. Zovko, “Die Bibelinterpretation bei Flacius (1520-1575) und ihre Bedeutung fiir die moderne Hermeneutik,” Theologische Literaturzeitung 132 (2007), 1169-80.


Alexander Johnson on 10 December 2021


Is more Hermeneutics going to be covered in the future (I presume so, especially when you get to Schleiermacher).  If so, is it going to get its own tag?  Or is it not different enough from commentary or textual transmission to need one?

In reply to by Alexander Johnson

Peter Adamson on 10 December 2021


I was wondering about that actually; I usually wait until there would be about 5 episodes to put under a label but we might have that for hermeneutics? Augustine and the Victorines come to mind.

In reply to by Peter Adamson

Andrew Maclaren on 24 June 2022

Guess you decided not to…

Guess you decided not to have a hermeneutics tag?

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