306. Collectors’ Items: Photius and Byzantine Compilations
Photius, “the inventor of the book review,” and other Byzantine scholars who preserved ancient learning.
• N.G. Wilson, Photius, The Bibliotheca: A Selection Translated with Notes (London 1994).
• J. Anton, “The Aristotelianism of Photius”, in L. R. Schrenk (ed.), Aristotle in Late Antiquity (Washington DC: 1994), 158-83.
• I. Christov, “Neoplatonic Elements in the Writings of Patriarch Photius,” in M. Knežvić (ed.), The Ways of Byzantine Philosophy (Alhambra CA: 2015), 289-309.
• P. Lemerle, Byzantine Humanism: the First Phase (Canberra: 1986).
• P. Odorico, “La cultura della συλλογή: 1) Il cosiddetto enciclopedismo Bizantino. 2) Le tavole del sapere di Giovanni Damasceno,” Byzantinische Zeitschrift 83 (1990), 1-21.
• M. Roueché, “Byzantine Philosophical Texts of the Seventh Century,” Jahrbuch der österreichischen Byzantinistik 23 (1974), 61-76.
• M. Roueché, “A Middle Byzantine Handbook of Logic Terminology”, Jahrbuch der Österreichischen Byzantinistik 29 (1980), 71-98.
• J. Schamp, Photios historien des lettres: la Bibliothèque et ses notices biographiques (Paris: 1987).
• H.S. Schibli, Hierocles of Alexandria (Oxford: 2002).
• W.T. Treadgold, The Nature of the Bibliotheca of Photius (Washington DC: 1980).
Praise for series
Very enjoyable episode. Enjoy your break.
In reply to Praise for series by Paschal Scotti
Thanks very much! Glad you enjoyed it.
Pre-Renaissance renaissances
And John Scottus Eurigena would like to remind you about the Carolignian Renaissance, and there is also Ottonian Renainssance. ;)
In reply to Pre-Renaissance renaissances by Matěj Cepl
Oh good point. Maybe we should just admit that instead of half a dozen renaissances, there is more continuity than usually admitted...
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