306. Collectors’ Items: Photius and Byzantine Compilations

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Photius, “the inventor of the book review,” and other Byzantine scholars who preserved ancient learning.



Further Reading

• N.G. Wilson, Photius, The Bibliotheca: A Selection Translated with Notes (London 1994).


• J. Anton, “The Aristotelianism of Photius”, in L. R. Schrenk (ed.), Aristotle in Late Antiquity (Washington DC: 1994), 158-83.

• I. Christov, “Neoplatonic Elements in the Writings of Patriarch Photius,” in M. Knežvić (ed.), The Ways of Byzantine Philosophy (Alhambra CA: 2015), 289-309.

• P. Lemerle, Byzantine Humanism: the First Phase (Canberra: 1986).

• P. Odorico, “La cultura della συλλογή: 1) Il cosiddetto enciclopedismo Bizantino. 2) Le tavole del sapere di Giovanni Damasceno,” Byzantinische Zeitschrift 83 (1990), 1-21.

• M. Roueché, “Byzantine Philosophical Texts of the Seventh Century,” Jahrbuch der österreichischen Byzantinistik 23 (1974), 61-76.

• M. Roueché,  “A Middle Byzantine Handbook of Logic Terminology”, Jahrbuch der Österreichischen Byzantinistik 29 (1980), 71-98.

• J. Schamp, Photios historien des lettres: la Bibliothèque et ses notices biographiques (Paris: 1987).

• H.S. Schibli, Hierocles of Alexandria (Oxford: 2002).

• W.T. Treadgold, The Nature of the Bibliotheca of Photius (Washington DC: 1980).

The Suda online



Paschal Scotti on 29 July 2018

Praise for series

Very enjoyable episode. Enjoy your break.

In reply to by Paschal Scotti

Peter Adamson on 29 July 2018


Thanks very much! Glad you enjoyed it.

Matěj Cepl on 30 July 2018

Pre-Renaissance renaissances

And John Scottus Eurigena would like to remind you about the Carolignian Renaissance, and there is also Ottonian Renainssance. ;)

In reply to by Matěj Cepl

Peter Adamson on 31 July 2018


Oh good point. Maybe we should just admit that instead of half a dozen renaissances, there is more continuity than usually admitted...

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