All Episodes
Classical Greek
1. Thales
2. Anaximander, Anaximenes
3. Xenophanes
4. Pythagoras
5. Heraclitus
6. McCabe on Heraclitus
7. Parmenides
8. Zeno and Melissus
9. Atomism
10. Anaxagoras
11. Empedocles
12. Schofield on Presocratics
13. Hippocrates
14. Sophists
Socrates and Plato
15. Socrates without Plato
16. Plato's Socrates
17. Woolf on Socrates
18. Plato's Life and Works
19. Charmides, Euthydemus
20. Plato's Gorgias
21. Plato's Meno
22. Plato's Theaetetus
23. McCabe on Plato
24. Plato's Phaedo
25. Plato's Republic pt.1
26. Plato's Republic pt.2
27. Plato's Parmenides
28. Leigh on the Sophist
29. Plato's Cratylus
30. Plato's Timaeus
31. Plato's Erotic Dialogues
32. Sheffield on Platonic Love
33. Plato on Myth
34. Aristotle's Life and Works
35. Aristotle's Logic
36. Aristotle's Epistemology
37. Hugh Benson on Aristotle
38. Aristotle on Substance
39. Aristotle's Four Causes
40. Aristotle's Physics
41. Sorabji on Aristotle
42. Aristotle on Soul
43. Aristotle's Biology
44. Aristotle's Ethics 1
45. Aristotle's Ethics 2
46. Scott on Aristotle
47. Aristotle on Mind and God
48. Political Philosophy
49. Rhetoric, Poetics
50. Aristotle on Plato
51. Successors
Later Antiquity
52. Hellenistic Schools
53. The Cynics
54. The Cyrenaics
55. Epicurus' Principles
56. Epicurean Ethics
57. Epicurean Therapy
58. Lucretius
59. Warren on Epicurus
60. Stoic Logic
61. Stoic Epistemology
62. Stoic Physics
63. Stoic Ethics
64. Sedley on Stoicism
65. Seneca
66. Epictetus
67. Marcus Aurelius
68. Sellars on Roman Stoics
69. Pyrrho
70. New Academy
71. Cicero
72. Woolf on Cicero
73. Sextus Empiricius
74. Long on the Self
75. Ancient Medicine
76. Hankinson on Galen
Late Antiquity
77. Introduction
78. Middle Platonism
79. Philo of Alexandria
80. Plutarch
81. Opsomer on Platonism
82. Aristotelianism
83. Alexander of Aphrodisias
84. Rhetoric and Philosophy
85. Astronomy and Astrology
86. Cuomo on Mathematics
87. Plotinus Life and Works
88. Plotinus on the One
89. Plotinus on the Soul
90. Plotinus on Matter & Evil
91. Wilberding on Plotinus
92. Porphyry
93. Iamblichus
94. Proclus
95. Sheppard on Aesthetics
96. O'Meara on Neoplatonism
97. The Last Pagans
98. Philoponus
99. Sorabji - the Commentators
100. Ancient Culture
Ancient Christianity
101. Introduction
102. Greek Church Fathers
103. Origen
104. Cappadocians
105. Pseudo-Dionysius
106. Maximus the Confessor
107. Asceticism
108. Boys-Stones - Patristics
109. Latin Church Fathers
110. Augustine's Confessions
111. Augustine on Language
112. Augustine on Freedom
113. Augustine City of God
114. Byers on Augustine
115. Augustine on Mind
116. Brittain on Augustine
117. Latin Platonism
118. Boethius
119. Marenbon on Boethius
Islamic World
Formative Period
120. Philosophy and Islam
121. Mu'tazilites
122. Translation Movement
123. Al-Kindī
124. Judaism and Philosophy
125. Saadia Gaon
126. Al-Rāzī
127. Pormann on Medicine
128. The Baghdad School
129. Al-Fārābī
130. Al-Fārābī Political
131. Black on al-Fārābī
132. Vision
133. Music and Philosophy
134. Arabic Ethics
135. The Būyid Age
136. Daftary on Ismā'īlism
137. Ash'arites
138. Avicenna's Life
139. Avicenna on Existence
140. Avicenna on God
141. Avicenna on Soul
142. Gutas on Avicenna
143. Al-Ghazālī
144. Al-Ghazālī "Incoherence"
145. Griffel on al-Ghazālī
146. Introduction
147. Islamic Law
148. Ibn Ṭufayl
149. Averroes
150. Arabic into Latin
151. Averroes on Intellect
152. Taylor on Averroes
153. Ibn 'Arabī's mysticism
154. Ibn Khaldūn
155. Ibn Gabirol
156. Pessin Jewish Platonism
157. Judah Hallevi
158. Freedom and Astrology
159. Ethics and Judaism
160. Maimonides
161. Maimonides on eternity
162. Stroumsa on Maimonides
163. Maimonides Controversy
164. Gersonides
165. Crescas
166. Rudavsky Interview
167. Book of Job
168. Kabbalah
169. Albo and Abravanel
170. Freudenthal Interview
Eastern Traditions
171. Introduction
172. Al-Baghdādī
173. Fakhr al-Dīn al-Rāzī
174. Suhrawardī
175. Illuminationism
176. Al-Ṭūsī
177. Existence Debate
178. Rūmī and Sufism
179. Rustom on Sufism
180. Logical Tradition
181. Ibn Taymiyya
182. Mongol Era
183. Shiraz
184. Wisnovsky Commentaries
185. Safavids
186. Mullā Ṣadrā on Existence
187. Mullā Ṣadrā on Motion
188. Rizvi on Mullā Ṣadrā
189. Islamic India
190. Ottoman Empire
191. European Encounters
192. Women and Islam
193. 'Abduh and Iqbāl
194. After Ṣadrā
195. von Kügelgen Interview
Early Medieval
196. Introduction
197. Carolingian Renaissance
198. Eriugena on Freedom
199. Eriugena's Periphyseon
200. Kraye and Marenbon
201. Gersh on Platonism
202. Roots of Scholasticism
203. Can God Change the Past?
204. Anselm's Life and Works
205. The Ontological Argument
206. Sweeney on Anselm
207. Problem of Universals
208. Heloise and Abelard
209. Abelard’s Ethics
210. Marenbon on Abelard
211. The Victorines
212. Debating the Trinity
213. Philosophy at Chartres
214. Philosophy of Nature
215. Medieval Podcasters
216. Individuation
217. Arlig on Mereology
218. Early Political
219. Gratian and Lombard
220. Humfress on Law
221. Hildegard of Bingen
222. Translations into Latin
223. Rise of the Universities
224. Emery on Institutions
Thirteenth Century
225. 13th Century Logic
226. 13th Century Physics
227. 13th Century Psychology
228. The Transcendentals
229. 13th Century Ethics
230. Robert Grosseteste
231. Roger Bacon
232. Burnett on Magic
233. Bonaventure
234. Peter Olivi
235. Toivanen on Animals
236. Franciscan Poverty
237. Hadewijch and Mechthild
238. Robert Kilwardby
239. Dutilh Novaes on Logic
240. Albert on Nature
241. Albert's Metaphysics
242. Cory on Self-Awareness
243. Thomas Aquinas
244. Aquinas Soul Knowledge
245. Ethics in Albert, Aquinas
246. The Rule of Law
247. Just War Theory
248. MacDonald on Aquinas
249. The Condemnations
250. Q&A
251. "Latin Averroism"
252. Eternity of the World
253. Speculative Grammar
254. Romance of the Rose
255. Speer Medieval Aesthetics
256. Henry of Ghent
257. Pickavé on Henry of Ghent
258. Trinity Eucharist
259. Cross on the Trinity
260. Scotus on Being
261. Scotus on Freedom
262. Scotus on Ethics
263. Scotus on Universals
264. Pini on Scotus
Fourteenth Century
265. Introduction to 14th c.
266. Pink on the Will
267. Marguerite Porete
268. Dante Alighieri
269. Church and State
270. Marsilius of Padua
271. Ockham Ethics Politics
272. Ockham’s Nominalism
273. Ockham on Mental Language
274. Brower-Toland on Ockham
275. Responses to Ockham
276. Foreknowledge
277. 14th Century Logic
278. Uckelman on Obligations
279. Oxford Calculators
280. 14th Century Physics
281. Green on Medicine
282. John Buridan
283. Zupko on Buridan
284. Autrecourt's Skepticism
285. Perler on Skepticism
286. Medieval Economic Theory
287. Meister Eckhart
288. German Dominicans
289. Angels
290. Pickavé on Emotions
291. English Mysticism
292. Chaucer and Langland
293. Gender and Sexuality
294. Davis on Chaucer
295. Jean Gerson
296. John Wyclif
297. Scholasticism in Europe
298. Ramon Llull and Petrarch
299. Pasnau on Substance
300a. Ancient Philosophy Today
300b Medieval Philosophy Today
301. Introduction
302. Syriac and Armenian
303. Iconoclasm
304. John of Damascus
305. Louth on John of Damascus
306. Photius
307. Michael Psellos
308. O'Meara on Psellos
309. John Italos
310. Political Philosophy
311. Rhetoric in Byzantium
312. Byzantine Historiography
313. Anna Komnene
314. Ierodiakonou Commentaries
315. Gender in Byzantium
316. Law, Money, and War
317. Manuscripts
318. Primavesi on Manuscripts
319. The Proclus Revival
320. Byzantium and Islam
321. Herrin Byzantium & Islam
322. Palaiologan Science
323. Palamas and Hesychasm
324. Latin in Byzantium
325. Gemistos Plethon
326. Later Orthodox
327. Trizio on East and West
Renaissance / Reformation
Italian Renaissance
328. Introduction
329. Greek Scholars in Italy
330. Italian Humanism
331. Lorenzo Valla
332. Kraye on Humanism
333. Humanist Ethics
334. Reviving Hellenistic
335. Ebbersmeyer on Emotions
336. Christine de Pizan
337. Italian Women Humanists
338. Defense of Women
339. Florentine Platonism
340. Marsilio Ficino
341. Theories of Love
342. Robichaud on Plato
343. Jewish Philosophy
344. Pico della Mirandola
345. Human Nature
346. Muratori on Animals
347. Savonarola
348. Civic Humanism
349. Machiavelli
350. Machiavelli Republicanism
351. Skinner on Machiavelli
352. Renaissance Histories
353. Italian Utopias
354. Renaissance Economics
355. Italian Universities
356. Aristotle Reception
357. Lines on Aristotle
358. Pomponazzi and Nifo
359. Zabarella
360. Hasse on Arabic Learning
361. Mathematics and Art
362. Renaissance Medicine
363. Cardano
364. Giglioni on Medicine
365. Telesio and Campanella
366. Magic and Astrology
367. Copenhaver on Magic
368. Giordano Bruno
369. Galileo and Renaissance
370. Rowland on Rome
Central Europe
371. Introduction
372. Printing Press
373. Northern Humanism
374. Nicholas of Cusa
375. Blum on Nicholas of Cusa
376. Erasmus
377. Northern Scholasticism
378. Martin Luther
379. Roper on Luther
380. Erasmus vs Luther
381. Melanchthon
382. The Peasants’ War
383. Huldrych Zwingli
384. John Calvin
385. Protestant Scholasticism
386. Cornelius Agrippa
387. Hattab on Protestantism
388. Paracelsus and Alchemy
389. Theories of Matter
390. Dutch Toleration
391. Lipsius and Stoicism
392. Sellars on Modern Stoics
393. Copernicus
394. Tycho Brahe
395. Kepler
396. Daston on Science
397. French Humanism
398. Marguerite of Navarre
399. Rabelais
400. Philosophy Podcasters
401. Logic and Language
402. Medicine
403. Peter Ramus
404. Goulding on Ramus
405. Ramism
406. Toleration in France
407. Antognazza on Toleration
408. The Huguenots
409. Jean Bodin
410. Blair on Bodin
411. Later French Humanism
412. Montaigne
413. French Skepticism
414. Lagerlund on Skepticism
415. Marie de Gournay
416. English Reformation
417. Scottish Reformation
418. MacCulloch on Britain
419. British Humanism
420. Thomas More
421. English Political
422. Richard Hooker
423. Elizabethan Poetry
424. Shakespeare
425. Gray on Shakespeare
426. Hamlet and Individualism
427. Tempest and Colonialism
428. Macbeth and Witchcraft
429. Women’s Spiritual Literat
430. British Scholasticism
431. Normore on Scholasticism
432. John Dee
433. Science in England
434. Theories of Vision
435. Gilbert and Magnetism
436. Robert Fludd
437. Rampling on Alchemy
Catholic Reformation
438. Introduction
439. The Inquisition
440. Exploration and Science
441. New World Debate
442. Williams on Disability
443. Iberian Humanism
444. Spanish Mysticism
445. The Jesuits
446. Aquinas Revival
447. Messmer Protestants Spain
448. Iberian Scholasticism
449. Tropia on Jesuits
450. Two Renaissance Artworks
451. Free will in Molina
452. Scholastic Metaphysics
453. Scholastic Law
454. Scholastic Politics
455. Pink on Suárez
456. Cervantes’ Don Quixote
457. Sabuco and Erculiani
458. The Cheese and the Worms
459. Bellarmine
460. Galileo's Trial
461. Reeves on Galileo
Early Modern
French / Dutch
462 Intro Early Modern
1. Introduction
2. Historical Overview
3. The Vedic Period
4. The Upanisads
5. The Self in the Upanisads
6. Karma
7. Black on the Upanisads
8. Panini's Grammar
9. The Buddha
10. The Buddha’s Teaching
11. Kautilya and Ashoka
12. Gethin on Buddhism
13. The Mahabharata
14. The Bhagavad-Gita
15. Non-Violence
16. Women in Ancient India
17. Frazier on Hinduism
Age of the Sutra
18. Age of the Sutra
19. Rise of Skepticism
20. Mimamsa-Sutra
21. Mimamsa on Knowledge
22. Freschi on Mimamsa
23. Vedanta-Sutra
24. Advaita Vedanta
25. Bhartrihari on Language
26. Clooney on Vedanta
27. Samkhya
28. Ayurvedic Medicine
29. Yoga-Sutra
30. Maas on Yoga
31. Nyaya-Sutra
32. Nyaya on Perception
33. Nyaya on Reasoning
34. Nyaya on the Mind
35. Jha and Jha on Nyaya
36. Vaisesika-Sutra
37. Vaisesika on Complexity
38. Theories of Time
39. Naturalism
40. Materialism
41. Chadha on Mind
42. Aesthetics of Rasa
Buddhists and Jains
43. Buddhists and Jains
44. Nagarjuna on Emptiness
45. Nagarjuna on Change
46. Nagarjuna’s Tetralemma
47. Westerhoff on Nagarjuna
48. Jain Theory of Standpoints
49. Jains on Truth
50. Gorisse Jain Epistemology
51. Vasubandhu and Yogacara
52. Dignaga on Perception
53. Dignaga's Logic
54. Graham Priest on Buddhism
55. Dignaga on Consciousness
56. Buddhaghosa
57. Tantra
58. Carpenter on Animals
59. Indian Influence on Greece
60. Influence on Islam, Europe
61. Later Indian Philosophy
62. Kit Patrick
1. Introduction
2. Prehistoric Africa
3. Ancient Mesopotamia
4. Ancient Egypt
5. Egyptian Instructions
6. Egyptian Narratives
7. Parkinson on Egypt
8. Early Ethiopian Philosophy
9. Zera Yacob
10. Walda Heywat
11. Kiros on Ethiopia
12. Subsaharan Islam
13. Sokoto Caliphate
14. Diagne on Islam in Africa
15. Oral Philosophy in Africa
16. Imbo on Okot p'Bitek
17. Philosophy of Time
18. God in African Philosophy
19. Philosophy of the Person
20. Communalism
21. Divination and Witchcraft
22. Gender in Africa
23. Nzegwu on Gender
24. Professional School
25. Sage Philosophy
26. Kresse on Anthropology
27. Beyond the Reaction
28. Jeffers African Philosophy
Slavery / Diaspora
29. Introduction
30. Anton Wilhelm Amo
31. Smith on Amo
32. Early Writing in English
33. Phillis Wheatley
34. Lemuel Haynes
35. Sancho and Banneker
36. Cugoano and Equiano
37. Haitian Revolution
38. Baron de Vastey
39. Garraway on Haiti
40. Early Black Institutions
41. Colonization Controversy
42. Sidbury African Identity
43. David Walker
44. Maria W. Stewart
45. Hosea Easton
46. Rogers Political Thought
47. Frederick Douglass
48. Douglass Speeches
49. Henry Highland Garnet
50. Martin Delany
51. Truth and Harper
52. Emigration to Canada
53. Alexander Crummell
54. Moses on Nationalism
55. Africanus Horton
56. Edward Blyden
57. T. Thomas Fortune
58. Anténor Firmin
59. Thomas and Durham
60. Abolitionism in Brazil
61. Anna Julia Cooper
62. Ida B. Wells
63. Cooper on Women Activists
64. Henry McNeal Turner
65. Booker T. Washington
66. Introducing Du Bois
67. Jeffers on Part Two
Africana 20th Century
68. Introduction
69. American Negro Academy
70. Curry on Early 20th C.
71. West African Intellectuals
72. African American Socialism
73. Wills on Marxism
74. Marcus Garvey
75. Two Amy Garveys
76. Dawson on Garvey
77. Harlem Renaissance
78. Alain Locke
79. Harris on Locke
80. Professional Philosophers
81. Carter G. Woodson
82. Zora Neale Hurston
83. The Negro Spiritual
84. Later Du Bois
85. Bright on Du Bois
86. Negritude
87. Leopold Senghor
88. Aimé and Suzanne Césaire
89. E. Franklin Frazier
90. C.L.R. James
91. Cox and Williams
92. Claudia Jones
93. Boyce Davies on Jones
94. Richard Wright
95. Ralph Ellison
96. James Baldwin
97. Martin Luther King Jr
98. Krishnamurthy on King
99. Malcolm X
100. Jeffers on Part Three
101. Later Malcolm X and MLK
102. Juan Rene Betancourt
103. Azikiwe & Awolowo
104. Kwame Nkrumah
105. Fanon Black Skin
106. Fanon Wretched
107. Gordon on Fanon
108. Lorraine Hansberry
109. Black Power
110. Black Panthers
111. Maulana Karenga
112. Black Arts Movement
113. Black Theology
114. Julius Nyerere
115. Amílcar Cabral
116. Taiwo x 2 on Cabral
117. Mandela and the ANC
118. Nascimento
119. Afrofuturism
120. Reggae & Rastafari
121. Kuti and Soyinka
122. Steve Biko
123. Walter Rodney
124. Black Feminism
125. Angelou, Morrison, Walker
126. Angela Davis
127. Audre Lorde
128. hooks and Collins
129. Ngũgĩ wa Thiong'o
130. Ngũgĩ interview
131. Cultural Studies
132. Glissant and Créolité
133. Drabinski on Glissant
134. Cedric Robinson
135. Sylvia Wynter
136. African-Centered Thought
137. Asante’s Afrocentricity
138. Critical Race Theory
139. Cornel West
140. Cornel West Interview
141. Professional Philosophy
142. Final Chat with Chike
Classical Chinese Philosophy
1. Introduction (Dao)
2. Change and the Yi Jing
3. Interview with Karyn
4. Historical Context
5. Ancient Chinese Texts
6. Perkins on Excavated Texts
7. Kongzi (Confucius)
8. The Analects
9. Confucian Role Ethics
10. Society in Confucianism
11. Csikszentmihalyi Confucius
12. Confucian Virtue Ethics
13. Mengzi (Mencius)
14. Virtue and the Body
15. Xunzi
16. Confucianism Moral Natures
17. Confucian Epistemology
18. Brindley on Music
19. Confucian Political
20. Religion in Confucianism
21. Tan on Confucian Democracy
22. Women in Confucianism
August 2021
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