13th century update

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Ok folks, I now have a tentative episode plan for the 13th century (see below) which will begin with episode 225. This does NOT include interviews. If you don't see a figure here it might be because they are getting covered in a thematic episode (e.g. Richard Rufus in the physics episode)... or because they are in the 14th century. All comments and suggestions welcome!

Thirteenth Century Logic
Thirteenth Century Physics
Thirteenth Century Psychology
Thirteenth Century Metaphysics
Thirteenth Century Ethics
Robert Grosseteste
Roger Bacon
Hadewijch of Brabant and Mechtilde of Magdeburgh
Peter Olivi
Albert the Great
Aquinas on Reason and Faith
Aquinas on God
Aquinas on Soul and Knowledge
Aquinas on Happiness and Law
Just War Theory
The Condemnations at Paris
Latin Averroism
The Eternity of the World
Speculative Grammar and Philosophy of Language
Jean de Meun
Henry of Ghent
Duns Scotus
Scotus on Necessity and Possibility

Sara L. Uckelman on 18 April 2015

William of Sherwood, Nicholas

William of Sherwood, Nicholas of Paris, Peter of Spain/Petrus Hispanus, the relationship between theology and philosophy

In reply to by Sara L. Uckelman

Peter Adamson on 19 April 2015

Hi Sara,Actually William and

Hi Sara,

Actually William and Peter are the main authors that will figure in the logic episode. And maybe the theology/philosophy thing will be a constant background theme but I will certainly do an episode centering on Aquinas' view.



James on 25 April 2015

Will Godfrey of Fontaines be

Will Godfrey of Fontaines be covered at all? Will there be more Scotus after the Necessity and Possibility episode (perhaps his formal distinction or his attributing an entitative act to matter in contrast to Aquinas's pure potentiality)? Will debates concerning the unicity/plurality of the substantial form be discussed in any of the episodes?

Your podcasts are great, keep 'em coming! Thank you!

In reply to by James

Peter Adamson on 25 April 2015

Hi - thanks for the questions

Hi - thanks for the questions. To be honest I haven't really got much idea of how to split up Scotus yet or how many episodes he'll get, so the list is very provisional there (there will be an interview with Giorgio Pini though, I already recorded that with him). Anyway Scotus is insanely interesting and important so I will try to do him justice!

I am not sure yet what to do with Godfrey, perhaps he will get into a more thematic episode. Suggestions welcome on that, as I don't know much about him yet! But I do have him on the list of figures and topics to get in at some point of not on the list of planned episode titles, at least. 

mehmet on 30 April 2015

I think medieval magic,

I think medieval magic, alchemy and astrology also deserve at least 2-3 episodes. This would be a nice preparation for renaissance. I guess it is very hard to understand figures like ficino, pico, and paracelsus without some basic knowledge on medieval occult sciences.

Afaik, two islamic texts form the basis of all western occultism: (i) picatrix (ii) kindi's "on stellar rays".  Maybe an episode could be added to the "islamic world" section about these two texts? This would be a very good preparation for western medieval occultism.

Actually, what surprised me about the islamic section is the absence of any reference to jabirian corpus. But maybe this is not surprising: modern scholarship chose to completely ignore these notoriously difficult texts..

In reply to by mehmet

Peter Adamson on 30 April 2015

Actually I already have an

Actually I already have an episode recorded on medieval magic - it's not in the list I circulated because it is an interview with Charles Burnett.

I was going to save alchemy for the Renaissance, and at that time look back at medieval and also Islamic sources of Renaissance alchemy. You're right that these texts can be philosophically interesting, for instance in Jabir you have quite a bit of stuff on transmutation of elements which relates to Aristotelian physics. So, it's on my radar!

mehmet on 5 May 2015

I think some mention of

I think some mention of mendicant orders may also be nice. Afaik much of the medieval philosophy was developed around them. To explain them to a german or an english audience may not be necessary, but most non-western audiences will have no inkling about these institutions..

BTW, what happened to indian philosophy podcasts?..

In reply to by mehmet

Peter Adamson on 5 May 2015

For Indian philosophy check

For Indian philosophy check out the first entry under FAQ at the bottom of the page.

And the mendicant orders are actually being mentioned in the next episode, as it happens! And wil play a big role in the 13th century, in fact that's sort of how I organized the episodes, roughly into Franciscans, then Dominicans, then Arts Masters, though with some exceptions.

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