102. From Cuba with Love: Juan Rene Betancourt
The Cuban activist and author Juan Rene Betancourt urges racial solidarity and reckons with the revolution under Castro and the island’s turn towards Communism.
• J.R. Betancourt, Prejuicio (Camaguey: 1945).
• J.R. Betancourt, Mi Opinion y Mi Raza (Havana: 1948).
• J.R. Betancourt, Doctrina Negra (Havana: 1955).
• J.R. Betancourt, El Negro: Ciudadano del Futuro (Havana: 1959).
• J.R. Betancourt, "Castro and the Cuban Negro," The Crisis 583 (May 1961): 270-274.
• J.R. Betancourt, Naturaleza del Comunismo en America Latina (Buenos Aires: 1962).
• J.R. Betancourt, Sociologia Integral: La Superacion Cientifica del Prejuicio Racial (Buenos Aires: 1964).
• D.S. Benson, Antiracism in Cuba: The Unfinished Revolution (Chapel Hill: 2016).
• A. de la Fuente, A Nation for All: Race, Inequality, and Politics Twentieth-Century Cuba (Chapel Hill: 2001).
• L.A. Glasco, "From Assimilation to Integration: The Narrow Spectrum of Afro-Cuban Ideology: Juan Gualberto Gomez, Evaristo Estenoz, and Juan Rene Betancourt," Diaspora 5 (1996): 97-117.
• P. Serviat, "Solutions to the Black Problem," in P. Perez Sarduy and J. Stubbs (eds), AfroCuba: An Anthology of Cuban Writing on Race, Politics and Culture (Melbourne: 1993), 77-90.
Robert F Williams
Great episode! Speaking of Africana Philosophy and Cuba, do you intend to cover Robert F Williams? I know he's not Cuban, but I was just reminded of him because of how he took asylum there and ran "Radio Free Dixie" out of the country.
In reply to Robert F Williams by Adam
Robert Williams
That's funny, a week ago I wouldn't have known who you are talking about but I have been reading up on the Black Panthers for an episode on them and learned of Williams as a figure who helped inspire the Panthers. I think he will probably just get a mention in passing in that episode, as part of the background.
In reply to Robert Williams by Peter Adamson
Philosophy paper on Williams
There's a paper by Tommy Curry on Williams' philosophy:
"Robert F. Williams and Militant Civil Rights: The Philosophy and Legacy of Pre-emptive Self-Defense" https://www.pdcnet.org/radphilrev/content/radphilrev_2015_0018_0001_004…
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