383. Slowly But Surely: Huldrych Zwingli

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The Swiss theologian Zwingli launches the Reformation in Switzerland, but clashes with Luther and more radical Protestants.



Further Reading

• G.W. Bromiley (trans.), Zwingli and Bullinger (Louisville: 1953).


• D. Bolliger, Infiniti contemplatio: Grundzüge der Scotus- und Scotismusrezeption im Werk Huldrych Zwinglis (Leiden: 2003).

• U. Gäbler, Huldrych Zwingli: Eine Einführung in sein Leben und sein Werk (Zürich: 2004).

• B. Gordon, Zwingli: God's Armed Prophet (New Haven: 2021).

• T. Osborne, “Faith, Philosophy, and the Nominalist Background to Luther’s Defense of the Real Presence,” Journal of the History of Ideas 63 (2002), 63-82.

• G. Potter, Zwingli (Cambridge: 1976).

• W. Köhler, Zwingli und Luther: ihr Streit über das Abendmahl nach seinen politischen und religiösen Beziehungen (Gütersloh: 2017).

• W.P. Stephens, Zwingli: Eine Einführung in sein Denken (Zürich: 1997).

• R.C. Walton, Zwingli’s Theocracy (Toronto: 1967).


John Spalding on 9 November 2021


Very amusing to link Zwingli to the Sound of Music.

Would it be too disrespectful to say, 'I love the smell of burning heretics in the morning'?

In reply to by John Spalding

Peter Adamson on 9 November 2021

Burning heretics

I think enough time has passed. But not sure how I feel about putting Apocalypse now allusions in the same episode that contains Sound of Music references!

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