Timeline of Philosophers - Classical
Hesiod | 7th cent. BC |
Thales | early 6th cent. BC |
Anaximander | 6th cent. BC |
Anaximenes | 6th cent. BC |
Xenophanes | 6th-5th cent. BC |
Pythagoras | 6th-5th cent. BC |
Heraclitus | 6th-5th cent. BC |
Parmenides | born ca. 510 BC |
Zeno of Elea | born ca. 490 BC |
Melissus of Samos | fl. ca. 440 BC |
Anaxagoras | fl. mid-5th cent. BC |
Leucippus | 5th cent. BC |
Empedocles | late 5th cent. BC |
Democritus | born ca. 460 BC |
Philolaus of Croton | late 5th cent. BC |
Diogenes of Apollonia | late 5th cent. BC |
Protagoras | d. ca. 420 |
Archytas | 5th-4th cent. BC |
Socrates | 469–399 BC |
Hippocrates | d. ca. 380 BC |
Gorgias | 483-375 BC |
Antisthenes | ca.446-366 BC |
Aristippus | ca. 435-356 BC |
Xenophon | ca. 430-c.350 BC |
Plato | 429-347 BC |
Speusippus | ca. 410-338 BC |
Diogenes of Sinope | ca. 404-323 BC |
Aristotle | 384-322 BC |
Xenocrates | 395–313 BC |
Theophrastus | 372–288 BC |
Click on the name of a philosopher featured in the podcast to go to the relevant episode.
Dates are AD unless otherwise specified.
cent. = century
d. = died
fl. = flourished
ca.= circa ("approximately")