Timeline - Chinese Philosophy
Yi Jing (Book of Changes 易經) | 9th cent. BCE on |
Kongzi (Confucius 孔子) | ca. 551–479 BCE |
Mozi (墨子) | ca. 470-391 BCE |
The Mengzi (孟子) | 4th cent. BCE |
The Zhuangzi (莊子) | 4th cent. BCE |
Dao De Jing (道德經) | 4th cent. BCE |
Xunxi (荀子) | ca.310-c.238 BCE |
Han Feizi (韓非子) | ca. 280-233 BCE |
The Lunyu (Analects 論語) | 2nd cent. BCE |
Zhu Xi (朱熹) | 1130-1200 CE |
Click on the name of a philosopher featured in the podcast to go to the relevant episode.
Dates are AD unless otherwise specified.
cent. = century
d. = died
fl. = flourished
ca.= circa ("approximately")