Me on Partially Examined Life: Ficino on love

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Just released: another guest podcast appearance from me, this time talking about Ficino's commentary on Plato's Symposium with the guys from Partially Examined Life!

Karl Young on 1 August 2022

nice interview

Nice interview Peter; good to hear more generally about your path, though it was a little intimidating to hear how organized you are re. shoe horning the podcast work into an already full academic career. I was oddly comforted by the brief discussion of the, I guess pretty obvious, fact that podcast listeners usually only retain the outline (I sometimes worry about my aging brain forgetting the details ! - but that’s why the books are great; even if I only refer to them occasionally, I know where to find some of the details). But mostly I’m very happy that after a brief binge a few years ago I’m currently caught up. Looking at starting the podcasts from scratch at this point would be a little daunting. Anyway thanks for your great work; I think it’s a truth (Platonic or modern analytic) that the world is a much better place for it (and lord knows the world really needs it at this point !)

In reply to by Karl Young

Peter Adamson on 1 August 2022


Thanks very much! The really alarming thing is that, never mind remembering things in podcasts I have heard, I often forget stuff in the podcasts I wrote myself! Though I usually find I can remind myself if I look back at the scripts and notes.

In reply to by Peter Adamson

Karl Young on 2 August 2022


Ha, even the master can sometimes forget ! :-)

And sorry, this is just a brief correction for anyone that’s confused by my original comment; it looks like I posted it in the wrong place. This was actually a response to your interview on The Human Podcast.

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