21. Sor-Hoon Tan on Confucian Democracy
Can classical Confucian ideas be adapted to produce a theory of democracy fit for today's world?
• S.-H. Tan, "Democracy in Confucianism," Philosophy Compass 7 (2012), 293-303.
• S.-H. Tan, "The concept of Yi in the Mencius and the problems of distributive justice," Australasian Journal of Philosophy 92 (2014), 489-505.
• S.-H. Tan, "Why equality? Which inequalities?" Philosophy East and West 66 (2016), 488-514.
• S.-H. Tan, "How can a Chinese democracy be pragmatic?," Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 47 (2011), 196-225.
• S.-H. Tan, "Confucian democracy as pragmatic experiment: Uniting love of learning and love of antiquity," Asian Philosophy 17 (2007), 141-66.
• S.-H. Tan, Confucian democracy: A Deweyan reconstruction of Confucianism (New York: 2004)
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