If I only knew the particular day in August, a little something might be arranged as a way for so many of us to say "Thank You" for this great podcast. But I'd have to get out my German dictionary and do a little investigation on certain Munich shops. For privacy concerns on your birth date, if you don't have it, Julian has my email address.
This episode covers so many issues (look at all the Themes mentioned) I wouldn't know where to begin. But since we still have enough of our last snow left for some Nordic skiing, I'm out of here.
If I only knew the particular day in August, a little something might be arranged as a way for so many of us to say "Thank You" for this great podcast. But I'd have to get out my German dictionary and do a little investigation on certain Munich shops. For privacy concerns on your birth date, if you don't have it, Julian has my email address.
This episode covers so many issues (look at all the Themes mentioned) I wouldn't know where to begin. But since we still have enough of our last snow left for some Nordic skiing, I'm out of here.